
Photo Courtesy of Comm & Marketing

Angelo State University’s College of Education received a commendation for having a high percentage of graduate teachers working in school districts located in rural areas of Texas. The commendation came from the Texas Education Agency’s State Board for Educator Certification.

In the 2022-2023 school year, 64 teachers from ASU were certified ( Of the 64 students, who are now first-year teachers, 17% were working at Texas schools located in rural areas. 

The commendation was announced with the “2022-23 Educator Preparation Program Commendations” under Category 2, “Preparing the Educators Texas Needs,” with three other education programs: Region 14 Education Service Center, Texas A&M University - Texarkana and West Texas A&M University. 

All data collected to confirm the commendation came from the Public Education Information Management System which is sent to the TEA. 

Dean of the College of Education at ASU, Scarlet Clouse, explained that ASU did not apply for the commendation and was surprised to have received it but hopes for more recognition in the future. 

“I didn't do anything to get this, I just had a phenomenal team that goes above and beyond for the student experience and values education,” Clouse said. “I’ll put our faculty up against any in the state, I’ll put our faculty up against any in the nation.” 

There are many rural schools located near ASU, and Clouse believes this could be one of the reasons why so many ASU graduates teach in rural schools. 

“It is an indication that our process is working,” Clouse said. “We like to have a strong presence in our rural schools and I think that presence attracts teacher candidates to come to our program then want to go back to rural schools.”

Clouse then highlighted the importance of rural schools describing them as “an entity unlike none other,” and emphasized that the sense of community teachers receive from rural schools is one of the reasons a lot of them go back to teach in rural schools. 

There are many programs available to students at ASU in the College of Education. Including certifications in education, such as Early Childhood-6 Generalist, grades 4-8 Generalist, secondary education and many graduate degrees.

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